Turno Blog

Take control of your shifts. Be proactive, stay flexible and prioritize what matters most

Where shift workers learn to take back their time

Turno makes switching shifts painless for shift workers. but there is more to life than shift work. our blog is here to help! With tips and insights to help you bring work-life balance.

Top Stories

Strategies for staying awake and alert during night shifts

Maintaining strong relationships with family and friends while working shifts

Dealing with sleep deprivation while working shifts

Tips for Maximizing Your Free Time as a Shift Worker

How to Maintain Your Health as a Shift Worker: The Benefits of Exercise and a Healthy Diet

7 Ways Shift Workers Can Achieve Work-Life Balance

Dealing with sleep deprivation while working shifts

Tips for Maximizing Your Free Time as a Shift Worker


case studies

The Personal Struggle of a Shift Worker