Tips for Maximizing Your Free Time as a Shift Worker

Tips for Maximizing Your Free Time as a Shift Worker

Do you work irregular hours? If so, it can be difficult to find the time for yourself and your family. But, with a few simple tips and some planning, you can maximize your free time and still practice self-care while working shifts. In this blog post, we will provide some tips on how to make the most of your free time as a shift worker. Take advantage of weekends just like 9-5-ers, make room for mindfullness, catch up with family and friends, and take time for only you! By following these tips, you can have a healthy work-life balance and you won’t miss out on the fun, important events in your life.

Making the Most of Your Weekends

When you work shifts, it can be hard to take advantage of all the activities that people usually enjoy on the weekends. However, it is possible to find balance and make the most of your free time. When you do have a weekend off, make sure you prioritize the things you NEVER get to do! It makes the time much more special and you’ll feel like it was time well spent!

Do the “Big Stuff” That People Do On Weekends

Weekends are a great time to get things done that you may not have time for during the week. Grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, and other errands can be taken care of while you have a couple of days off work. However, it’s also important to find time to do activities that make you happy, such as reading, going to the movies, or catching up with friends. You should make an effort to keep up with hobbies that bring you joy and allow yourself to practice mindfulness. While it’s important to stay busy and productive on the weekends, it’s also important to make sure you take time for yourself and enjoy the little things. Every once in a while remember to take part in some “big” events as well such as going to the theatre, attending a local event of interest, concerts, or maybe even a weekend get-a-way!

Carve Out Time for Mindfulness Exercises

The modern world is a busy one, and shift workers are especially susceptible to feeling overwhelmed by the constant rush of daily life. Carving out time for mindfulness exercises can help alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as give you a chance to reconnect with yourself.

Mindfulness can take many forms, from meditation to yoga, from journaling to reading. Whatever form it takes, mindfulness exercises offer an opportunity to ground yourself in the present moment, increase your awareness of your thoughts, and develop greater appreciation for the world around you.

You don’t need to devote a significant amount of time to this practice; even 10 minutes a day can be beneficial. In fact, some experts believe that shorter mindfulness sessions are actually more effective than long ones. This makes it easy to fit into your schedule, regardless of how irregular your working hours may be.

You can practice mindfulness at any time of day or night, so don’t be afraid to take a few moments out of your day to focus on yourself and your mental health. Give yourself permission to unplug and set aside the pressures of work and other obligations, if only for a short while. When you come back to your day-to-day tasks afterwards, you’ll be refreshed and ready to tackle them with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Make A Point of Visiting Friends and Family

When you work irregular hours, it can be hard to keep up with your relationships, especially with friends and family. With careful planning and mindfulness, however, it is possible to make the most of your time off and spend quality time with the people you care about.

Try to plan out at least one weekend each month where you are able to visit friends and family in your area. Even if it’s just for a few hours, this time spent reconnecting will be valuable for both you and your loved ones. Alternatively, if you’re unable to visit them in person, try scheduling a regular video chat or call, so that you can stay in touch and catch up.

It’s Ok to Have “Me” Time

When you are working irregular hours, it is important to carve out some time for yourself and make sure you take care of your own needs. Setting aside time for yourself is an essential part of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Consider scheduling in some regular “me” time each week. This can be something like taking a leisurely walk or a yoga class, reading a book or doing some art. It’s also important to set aside time for mindfulness activities. Taking a few moments out of your day to focus on the present moment can make a huge difference to your overall well-being. What better way to create “me time” than to focus on yourself?

Denise Hervias

Denise Hervias

As a Respiratory Therapist for over 15 years, Denise experienced first hand the challenges of working shift work and balancing a growing family.

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